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元镜参展2023 ChinaJoy BTOC !《火影忍者》、《哆啦A梦》和《幽灵公主》三大动漫手绘原稿NFT,将于元镜发售!
2023 年 7 月 28 日至 7 月 31 日,上海国际博览中心将举办第二十届 ChinaJoy。BTOC 展览将在这期间的 7 月 28 日至 7 月 31 日举行。值此盛事,元镜已正式确认参展 2023 ChinaJoy BTOC。 元镜作为国内领先的数字商品交易平台,近日宣布将于 7 月 14 日 20:00 推出备受期待的《火影忍者》、《哆啦A梦》和《幽灵公主》三大动漫手绘原稿NFT。 此次发行的动漫手绘原稿NFT不仅增加了项目玩法,版权款持有者还能直接享有价值18888元的豪华礼包。为确保盲盒的绝对公平性,元镜平台上线了<幻镜1.0>智能合约,实现了完全随机性,并支持开源验证,以绝对公开、透明的方式为用户提供更好的消费体验。 令人振奋的是,元镜平台不仅提供了这三大动漫的NFT交易,还计划在第三季度展开一系列商业活动。这些活动包括对手绘原稿NFT实物画的商展、动漫巡展和拍卖等。而从这些活动中获得的商业总收益的25%将作为分红发放给持有相关NFT的用户。元镜平台真正将RWA(实物资产数字化)发展规划全面落实,最大程度惠及实体产业与广大用户。 此外,为回馈用户的支持和喜爱,元镜平台将免费邀请所有持有相关NFT的用户参加商展和动漫巡展。这将为持有者们提供一个独特的机会,亲身感受这些珍贵作品的魅力,并与其他动漫爱好者们进行分享和交流。 元镜平台的这一举措无疑将进一步推动NFT市场的发展,为动漫行业注入新的活力。同时,通过区块链技术的应用,艺术品的真实性和所有权也得到了更好的保障,为收藏家们提供了更加可靠和安全的交易环境。 对于动漫迷和艺术爱好者来说,这次动漫手绘原稿NFT的发售无疑是一场不可错过的盛会。如果您对动漫文化和NFT艺术感兴趣,不妨参与此次售卖活动,体验独特的数字艺术世界。 元镜官网: https://cymirror.com/projects/detail/2 ChinaJoy 专业观众证、会议听课证获取 ▼ 请扫描二维码 购买 2023 ChinaJoy BTOB专业观众证 同期会议听课证! 9折优惠截止日期:2023 年 7 月 20 日 ChinaJoy App 下载 ▼ 请扫描二维码 下载 ChinaJoy 官方App(安卓 IOS均可)! CJ魔方 ▼ 请扫描二维码进入CJ魔方 ChinaJoy 2023 ChinaJoy 参展赞助咨询 ▼ 参展赞助 戚先生:weber.qi@howellexpo.net 媒体合作 朱女士:sumi_zhu@howellexpo.net 王先生:chris_Wang@howellexpo.net
未来,NFT 行业将会如何发展?
My thoughts on NFTs for the next few years in this tweet , if you read one thing today, let it be this:Going over the fundamental use case of NFTs and also “trading them to make money”. 作者语:“回顾 NFT 的基本用例,并且继续‘交易它们’。” Bullet points first for those who want a TL;DR-- 如果觉得太长请看要点: •Best use case for NFTs remains the p2p decentralised aspect of digital item trading (collectibles, art, etc.) with transparent provenance without the physical world limitations. •NFT 的最佳用例仍然是不受物理世界限制的、拥有清楚明了来源的数字物品交易 ( 收藏品、艺术品等 ) 的 p2p 去中心化方面。 •NFTs are like pieces of paper. We will have many people explore what the token can represent, in collectibles, gaming, tickets and more. It is not one or the other. •NFT就像图片,有很多人扩展代币应有来作为收藏品、游戏、门票等许多用途,但这并不是它们唯一或者全部。 •Projects will try things, most will fail and some will succeed. People will lose money trying to speculate. And others will gain money accurately predicting what projects do well. You are rewarded more because you take on more risk. •所有的项目都会作出各式各样的尝试,大多数会失败,或许有些会成功。有些人会因为投机而赔钱,而另一部分人则会因为准确预测了项目的优势而获利,人们因为承担更多风险而能够获得更多回报。 •Market euphoria and depression will come in cycles. Coming to terms with this helps separate your conviction on the tech vs. projects. Disliking X project does not mean you have to oppose “NFTs” the tech. •市场兴奋和低迷的周期出现存在一种循环,接受这个观点有助于独立你的信念不受技术和项目的影响,你可以不喜欢某个项目,但你不必为此反对「NFT」技术。 NUMBER ONE Similarly, how the core use case of Crypto is decentralised p2p currency trading without middlemen, for NFTs it is the token being on the immutable blockchain that cannot be altered and is tradeable without physical world limitations such as it being damaged, lost, or stolen and requiring physical space. 同样,加密货币的核心用例是如何在没有中间人的情况下进行去中心化的 p2p 货币交易,对于 NFT 来说,它是不可变区块链上的代币,无法更改,并且可以在没有物理世界限制(例如损坏、丢失或被盗以及需要物理空间)的情况下进行交易。 As the world becomes even more digital, we also have to come to terms with the fact that there are certain things only made possible digitally. Digital art is not new, but new art forms will be created in the future, and tokenization of them will be a perfect fit. 随着世界变得更加数字化,我们也必须接受这样一个事实:有些事情只有通过数字化才能实现。数字艺术并不新鲜,但未来会迸发出更多新的艺术形式,而它们的代币化将是一个完美的选择。 "The internet has existed for ~35 years, and will exist for the rest of humanity's existence. The incredibly small period of time where you couldn't own digital items will be seen as the stone age of the internet, and considered incredibly weird by future generations."--@cobble “互联网已经存在了大约 35 年,并将在人类发展中继续延续下去,这段人类未曾拥有数字物品的极短的时间,将在未来被视为互联网的石器时代,这在后人看来将是难以理解的。”@cobble NUMBER TWO Pieces of paper are an incredibly powerful and versatile technology. Trying to describe exactly why that is so is pretty difficult, though, just like with NFTs, because they have so many different usecases. (h/t @swombat for this analogy). 纸是一种功能强大、用途广泛的技术。然而,试图准确地描述为什么会这样是相当困难的,就像 NFT 一样,因为它们有很多不同的用例。( 对于这个类比可以看看 @swombat)。 NFTs are like programmable digital paper. They can hold and even create art, store messages, and encapsulate different forms of music. They're excellent for recording contracts, as they can predefine future actions. They're adaptable to store anything, from personal IDs to auth tokens, and can also represent monetary values. Not all applications are sensible, just like with regular paper, but the versatility of NFTs makes them all possible. NFT 就像可编程的数字纸。它们可以保存甚至创造艺术,存储信息,并封装不同形式的音乐。它们非常适合记录合同,因为它们可以预先定义未来的动作。它们适用于存储任何东西,从个人 ID 到身份认证代币,也可以表示货币价值。并非所有的应用程序都像普通纸张一样合理,但 NFT 的多功能性使它们成为可能。 You can think one idea is dumb (digital monkeys) while appreciating another (tradeable gaming items). The reason why the statement “NFTs are dead” will always be inaccurate is assuming that the digital programmable paper has no use case at all! 你可以认为一个想法很愚蠢 ( 数字猴子 ),同时欣赏另一个想法 ( 可交易的游戏道具 )。「NFT 已死」的说法总是不准确的原因是假设数字可编程纸根本没有用例! NUMBER THREE In this free market, expect speculation on assets. This is how you will make money, and lose money. Keep in mind that the people behind these projects are not trying to make you money. Yes, you can invest in a project that you think will have more demand in the future, whether it’s a collectible or an artwork – and that is where you take on the additional risk for reward. 这个自由市场中,可以预见到对资产的投机。这就是你赚钱和赔钱的方式。请记住,这些项目背后的人并不是想让你赚钱。是的,你可以投资一个你认为未来会有更多需求的项目,无论是收藏品还是艺术品——这就是你为获得回报而承担额外风险的地方。 Things will go up more than it may make sense, and can go down “more than it makes sense”. You will have outright scam projects, and failures. And on the other hand, you’ll have successful experiments where value accrual flows to the NFTs. 价格会涨得超出常理,也会跌得「超出常理」。你会遇到彻头彻尾的骗局项目和失败。另一方面,你会有成功的实验,其中价值累积流向 NFT。 Do you want to make money? The people that make the most money study and understand the market! It doesn’t matter if you have millions of dollars, trying to figure out what to buy without understanding and embracing responsibility for your trades is not the strategy I would recommend. When people care less about the markets, this is when you should pay attention to get ahead of others. 你想赚钱吗?赚钱最多的人是研究和了解市场的人!如果你有数百万美元,在没有理解和承担交易责任的情况下试图弄清楚买什么并不重要,这不是我推荐的策略。当人们不太关心市场的时候,就是你应该注意走在别人前面的时候。 NUMBER FOUR Just like all markets, no matter how important the industry may be, you will see euphoria in it. We are seeing it with AI now. I can not tell you if the projects today will make you money or exist in the next 5 years. But I can tell you, that this programmable digital paper and concept of ownership on a public blockchain is something I can bet my time and money on, and that is where my strong thesis comes long-term. 就像所有市场一样,不管这个行业有多重要,你都会在其中看到欣喜若狂的感觉。我们现在在人工智能上看到了这一点。我无法告诉你今天的项目是否会让你赚钱或在未来 5 年内是否存在。但我可以告诉你,这种可编程的数字纸和公共区块链上的所有权概念是我可以把我的时间和金钱押在上面的东西,这就是我的长期论文的重点。 Figure out what is important to you in this context, if it’s nothing, then don’t force a thesis. If it’s something, figure out how you want to spend your time related to that. But be open to changing that thesis when new information is presented to you. 弄清楚在这种情况下什么对你来说是重要的,如果什么都不是,那么就不要强行写论文。如果有什么事情,弄清楚你想如何度过与之相关的时间。但是当新的信息呈现在你面前时,你要乐于改变你的观点。 Most people would never think this deeply about NFTs because the whole concept of them is ridiculous at first glance, and worse when people look into what is happening in the industry. Don’t fret, amongst the scams, you have real builders. Either become one of them or bet on those who have the same thesis as you. That is all you can do if you care about the industry. And if you don’t, then it’s not for you. 大多数人都不会对 NFT 进行深入思考,因为它们的整个概念乍一看是荒谬的,当人们深入了解行业中正在发生的事情时,情况就更糟了。别担心,在这些骗局中,有真正的建设者。要么成为他们中的一员,要么押注于那些和你有相同观点的人。如果你关心这个行业,这就是你所能做的。如果你不喜欢,那就不适合你。 Just like all things, if it seems obvious… it’s probably not that exciting.Ignore noise and carry on building. See you in the “next bull market” –- for now, embrace the fact that everyone is calling the entire industry a scam. 所有的事情都有个共同的道理,如果一切看起来那么的显而易见,那么它可能就不再那么具有吸引力。忽略噪音,继续建造,「下一个牛市」再见。而现在,接受所有人都称整个行业是骗局的事实。 注:文中素材来源于网络公开资料,如有侵权请联系删除,以上内容仅代表作者个人观点。 内容来源于网络 编 Black 审 林蛋壳 声明:投资有风险,入市须谨慎。本资讯不作为投资理财建议。
可口可乐出NFT数字艺术品了! 可口可乐出艺术品了!“杰作系列”数字艺术品(NFT)释出!可口可乐“杰作系列”将各种标志性艺术品和新兴人才的新作品汇集在一起,并将它们与可口可乐瓶相结合,创作出8件独具特色的作品。爱德华·蒙克的《呐喊》和约翰内斯·维米尔的《戴珍珠耳环的少女》等经典杰作与Aket和Vikram Kushwah等才华横溢的艺术家的当代作品跨越时空的界限,相聚于当下。目前这些作品已经成为了数字艺术品(NFT),可供艺术爱好者访问。1."Girl with a Pearl Earring"(《戴珍珠耳环的少女》),约翰内斯·维米尔2."The Scream"(《呐喊》),爱德华·蒙克3. "Bedroom in Arles"(《在阿尔勒的卧室》),文森特·梵高4."Divine Idyll",©Aket,20225."You Can't Curse Me",©Wonder Buhle,20226."The Blow Dryer",©Fatma Ramadan,20217."Falling in Library",©Vikram Kushwah,20128."Natural Encounters",©Stefania Tejada,2020信息来源:Onchain Summer图片来源:Onchain Summer , 发表于2023-08-15 08:34 , , 上海
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