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WOCA展商推荐 | PUMP MAN有限公司

WOCA展商推荐 | PUMP MAN有限公司

04-26 19:12:45 17

WOCA WOCA 亚洲混凝土世界博览会作为混凝土、砂浆、地坪一站式综合性展览平台,现场50,000+平米展示规模,将有来自海内外720+家企业的参与,为市政、工业、建筑、商业等领域的经销代理、总包/分包商、市政、商用/民用地产开发商、建筑设计院等企业展示原材料、成品、设备及技术一体化解决方案。 PUMP MAN有限公司 PUMP MAN Co., Ltd. #展商分类:透水砖、地坪设计 #产品应用行业: 建筑、工业和商业设施等领域 公司介绍 /Company Description PUMP MAN有限公司是东京第一混凝土泵车公司小泽工业的子公司。 主营业务为 混凝土泵车 的采购和二手销售,混凝土相关产品的开发和销售。 开发、销售和建造 Dotcon 。 PUMP MAN Co., Ltd. is  subsidiary of Ozawa Sogyo, the No.1 concrete pump truck company in Tokyo. Purchase and sales of used concrete pump trucks, development and sales of concrete related products. Development, sales, and construction of Dotcon. 该公司从事混凝土行业多年,专注于混凝土相关问题,开发和销售了许多颠覆行业惯例的产品,如环保型先进材料 ECOSUL 和无废料搅拌预拌混凝土的天使和魔鬼之翼。 Having been involved in concrete for many years, the company has focused on concrete-related issues and has developed and sold numerous products that overturn common industry practice, such as the environmentally friendly Ecosul advance material and the Angel's Wing and Devil's Wing, which agitate ready-mixed concrete without wasting. 产品介绍 / Product Description 01 DOTCON Dotcon 是一种 透水 混凝土浇注板 ,其开发理念是 " 没有洪水破坏的未来 "。该产品预计不仅可用于透水性,还可用于其他各种用途,同时保持混凝土的优势。 Dotcon is a kind of water-permeable concrete casting panel . Its development philosophy is " a fut ure without flood damage" . This product is expected to be used not only for water permeability but also for various other purposes, while maintaining the advantages of concrete. 每90cm*90cm(0.81 ㎡)安装 18 个 φ65 毫米的套管。 雨水通过这些套管渗入路基和路面,并回灌到地下。 套管之间通过通道相连,即使在暴雨期间,也能确保雨水被储存并渗入地下。 A φ65mm sleeve is installed at 18 places per 90cm*90cm (0.81㎡). Through these sleeves, rainwater infiltrates into the roadbed and roadbed, and is recharged underground. The sleeves are connected to each other by a channel, which allows rainwater to be stored and infiltrated into the ground even during heavy rainfall. Dotcon 面板由再生聚丙烯制成。 施工方法与普通混凝土路面类似,不需要特殊的施工设备。 Dotcon panels are made of recycled polypropylene. The construction method is similar to that of ordinary concrete pavement, and no special construction equipment is required. 测试表明, 与普通混凝土相比,表面温度白天平均降低 1.2°C,夜间平均降低 2.4°C,从而有助于热岛防护。(更好生活基金会的测试结果) Te sts have shown that the surface temperature is on average 1.2 degrees Celsius lower during the daytime and 2.4 degrees Celsius lower at night than that of ordinary concrete, thus contributing to heat island countermeasures. (Test results by the Better Living Foundation) 它是世界上 唯一 一种 不需要坡度且允许水平施工 的建筑方法, 不仅可用于停车场,还可用于 斜坡 和 标准河面 等其他用途。 This is the world's only horizontal construction method that does not require a water slope . It can be used not only for parking lots , but also for various other applications such as slopes and standard river surfaces . Dotcon已引起世界各国的,刚果民主共和国总统助理曾到访考察,并计划在官方发展援助项目中采用;它还 受到了了印度尼西亚共和国和韩国政府的,并计划投入使用。混凝土发泡剂广泛应用于轻质隔墙板、CLC砌块、回填等。 It is also attracting attention from around the world. The presidential aide of the Democratic Republic of Congo came to inspect it and plans to adopt it in an ODA project. It has also attracted attention from the governments of the Republic of Indonesia and South Korea, which are planning to install it. Concrete foaming agent is widely used in lightweight partition boards, CLC blocks, backfill, etc. 02 展示与应用 获得五项专利,正在申请国际专利。 Five patents granted, international patents pending. 2023 年获得 GOOD DESIGN AWARD。 GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2023. 在国土交通省关东地区开发局举办展览。 Construction for display at Kanto Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. 两次向印度尼西亚共和国大使馆介绍情况,视察施工现场。因首都搬迁(雅加达、三宝垄市)而考虑采用。 Presented 2 times at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia and visited the construction site. Started to consider adoption for relocation of the capital city (Jakarta, Semarang). 计划在韩国举办展览。 Scheduled for construction in South Korea. BBVAin 计划在墨西哥 BBVAin "Mi Mexico "摄影集展示会上展出。 Scheduled to exhibit at BBVAin Mexico "Mi Mexico" photo book presentation. 计划在2024年东京寿司技术展上展出。 Scheduled to exhibit at Sushi Tech TOKYO 2024. 目前已在 NETIS 注册。 Application for NETIS registration is in progress. 刚果民主共和国总统助理、庆应义塾理工大学教授、联合国官员等参观了 Dotco n, 考虑在官方发展援助项目中采用。 Assistant to the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a professor of Keio University of Technology, and UN officials visited Dotcon and considered using it in ODA projects. 03 产品亮点 透水性 透水性确保了雨水即使在暴雨中也能渗透,这有助于防止洪水泛滥,并消除了对水坡度的需求。此外,由于每块面板可储存 14 升水,因此可用于蓄水。 Permeability The water permeability of the system allows rainwater to permeate even in heavy rainfall, which helps prevent flooding and eliminates the need for water gradients. Each panel can store 14 liters of water, so it can also be used for water storage purposes. 热 岛对策 根据测试结果,与普通混凝土相比,表面温度白天平均降低 1.2°C,夜间平均降低 2.4°C,因此也有助于热岛对策。 Heat island measures Tests have shown that the surface temperature is on average 1.2 degrees Celsius lower during the daytime and 2.4 degrees Celsius lower at night than that of ordinary concrete, thus contributing to heat island countermeasures. 应用于基础设施 在斜坡上打洞的好处是可以将水排入或排出,并可打入土锚。在河床中使用可望改善水质和动植物的繁殖。 Use for infrastructure The material can be used for slopes and river beds. On slopes, the holes have advantages such as allowing water to drain in and out and earth anchors to be driven in. Use in river beds can be expected to improve water quality and the propagation of animals and plants. PUMP MAN有限公司 2024年8月14-16日 上海新国际博览中心 E2P08 期待与您相遇! WOCA 展位火热预订中 抢购从速! 联系我们 点击下方 “”,立即预订展位
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