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CBCE 2024展商推介 | 香港精酿

CBCE 2024展商推介 | 香港精酿

04-26 12:36:16 33

点击上方图片即可进入观众登记通道 01 香港啤酒有限公司 Hong Kong Beer Company Limited 展位号: W2E39 展会时间:2024年4月25-27日 展会地点:上海新国际博览中心 W1&W2 香港啤酒公司成立於1995年,目標是:首次在香港釀造新鮮的全口味精釀啤酒,而香港這個城市的啤酒市場主要是工業啤酒。 今天,我們的啤酒遍布全香港和部分鄰國。作為香港第一家精釀啤酒廠,我們為引領香港新興的精釀啤酒行業超過25年而感到非常自豪,並期待帶頭不斷創新。 明星产品 喜喜渾濁雙倍乾投渾濁雙倍印度淡色艾爾啤酒 HEIHEIHAZY Double Dry Hopped Hazy Double IPA 充斥著果香,口感順滑,帶回甘;後期添加的啤酒花帶來熱帶氣息。這個兔年,就讓雙倍印度淡艾爾麥啤為你添上節日氣氛! Deliciously juicy with a soft mouthfeel and rounded bitterness. An abundance of premium Citra, Citra Cryo, Nelson Sauvin, and Riwaka hops delight with intense tropical fruit flavours and aromas. Celebrate the Year of the Dragon in style with this powerhouse Double Dry Hopped Hazy Double IPA! 02 H.K. Lovecraft 洛夫卡夫 展位号: W2E41 展会时间:2024年4月25-27日 展会地点:上海新国际博览中心 W1&W2 H.K. Lovecraft 專注鑽研精釀拉格啤酒 (Lager)。Lager是德國一種傳統啤酒,需要的發酵及熟成時間較長,以底層發酵法製成。Lager 著重原材料之間的平衡, 口感清爽、純淨,能突出啤酒原材料的味道,更能體會到釀酒的工藝。 廠房佔地萬呎,投資超過四千萬港幣裝設各項設施,是全港唯一一間引進世界頂尖設備品牌 BrauKon 的啤酒廠。系統可以通過中央計算機進行 控制,讓釀酒師監控和調整各種參數,如溫度、時間和流量。務求出品達致最高水準。 創辦人兼釀酒師林浩熙 (Perry)更是香港首位及唯一獲得德國Master Brewer資格的專業釀酒師。 H.K. Lovecraft focuses on craft lager (Manager). Lager is a traditional beer in Germany, which requires a long fermentation and ripening time, and is made by the bottom fermentation method. Lager The balance between raw materials, taste fresh and pure, can highlight the taste of beer raw materials, more can understand the brewing process. Covering an area of 10,000 feet and investing more than HK $40 million to install various facilities, it is the only brewery in Hong Kong to introduce BrauKon, the world's top equipment brand. The system can be controlled by a central computer, allowing the winemakers to monitor and adjust various parameters, such as temperature, time, and flow. To reach the highest level of production. Founder and winemaker Lin Haohee (Perry) is the first and only professional winemaker in Hong Kong to obtain the German Master Brewer qualification. 明星产品 深潜者冷IPA啤酒 THE DEEP ONES COLD IPA HOP SPECTRUM 酒體清徹呈金黃色,並採用了阿布泰泰國特級香米,優質稻米所散發自然芳香,而且加入米釀造能令尾韻帶來乾爽變化。而所選用的啤酒花則與坊間慣常釀造方法完全不同,釀造時用了六款來自德國的啤酒花,為啤酒混入了熱帶果香如白提子、芒果、燈籠果及木瓜香氣。 A clean, golden yellow and hop forward beer with a hint of white grapes, gooseberries, papaya and mango, while still maintaining a dry finish. 03 hEROES BEER CO 英雄啤酒公司 展位号: W2E24 展会时间:2024年4月25-27日 展会地点:上海新国际博览中心 W1&W2 hEROES Beer Co 不只是一間香港精釀啤酒廠。我們相信每個人都可以成為英雄,所以在2017年成立hEROES的時候,我們不是單純釀酒,而是建立了一個平台,將啤酒愛好者變成啤酒英雄。 hEROES Beer Co is not just a craft beer brewery in Hong Kong. We started hEROES in 2017 with our belief that everyone has the potential for greatness and heroism. So, instead of just making beer, we built a platform where we unleash the hero within beer lovers one at a time. 明星产品 深旅途愉快GOOD TRIP MIKAN PALE ALE 首先聞到蜜柑皮同荔枝、芒果等嘅熱帶果香,延續落去係淡淡的草本植物香氣。帶餅乾味道嘅麥芽風味,與柔和嘅苦味互相平衡。豐富嘅氣泡感同乾爽嘅收結,令Good Trip成為你喺音樂節飲足全日欲罷不能嘅啤酒。 Starts with citrusy aromas of Mikan zests and tropical fruits like lychee, mangos. The aroma continues with a subtle “dankness” from the hops that adds complexity. A straightforward malt profile with biscuits and light crackers just enough to balance the soft bitterness. Effervescent on the palate and finishes dry making it a very crushable pale ale that you can drink all day long at music festivals. 04 BLACK KITE 黑鳶 展位号: W2E22 展会时间:2024年4月25-27日 展会地点:上海新国际博览中心 W1&W2 黑鳶,係我哋香港上空翱翔猛禽之一。 我哋嘅釀酒師用一雙巧手及一顆認真追求嘅心去製造出有趣、豐富口味而又平衡嘅啤酒。 釀酒廠坐落於香港充滿活力街道上,見證住呢座城市嘅勇氣及精神。同時亦激勵我哋創造出更美味而出色平衡嘅啤酒,捕捉住呢座充滿活力大都市嘅精髓。 Black Kite is named after the birds of prey seen soaring across our city's skies. We brew with our hands and hearts to make fun, full-flavoured, and well balanced beers. Nestled in the vibrant streets of Hong Kong, our brewery is a testament to the city's grit and spirit, inspiring us to create flavorful yet perfectly balanced beers that capture the essence of this dynamic metropolis. 明星产品 黑鳶零啤酒花气泡水 BK ZERO 將啤酒花風味注入氣泡水當中,成為 Black Kite 第一款無酒精飲 品。這款 Hop Water 選用經典美式啤酒花 Azacca,為清爽的氣泡水加入荔 枝與柑橘風味,為繁忙的香港帶來新活力。 BK Zero is a hop-forward sparkling water, our first adventure towards alcoholfree beverages! This flagship release 'Hop Water' features a modern American hop, Azacca. Prepare yourselves for a refreshing experience with lychee and citrus notes to relieve you from the hustle of Hong Kong! BK Zero Neon Cider 霓虹苹果酒 霓虹苹果酒:對新一代大胆而充满活力的品牌 Neon Cider: A Bold, Electric Future for the New Generation 准备好冲击你的味蕾,唤醒你的感官吧!霓虹苹果酒作为饮料界新的开拓者,重新定义你對所熟知的苹果酒!受到亚洲充满活力能量的启发,霓虹苹果酒巧妙地把亚洲风味与传统苹果酒互相结合,同时捕捉了都市街头文化的精髓,献给味蕾敏锐的Z世代饮家。我们的霓虹苹果酒独家系列绝对非同凡响——每一款都采用大胆的超常规亚洲调味品酿造而成,带领你的味蕾踏上一段令人兴奋的旅程。从酸甜的桃子到美味的班兰,我们大胆的调配打破了传统和现代口味之间的界限,超越了大家的期望。 Get ready to electrify your taste buds and awaken your senses with Neon Cider - the trailblazing newcomer in the beverage scene that's redefining cider as you know it! Inspired by the vibrant energy of Asia, Neon Cider masterfully invigorates Asian flavors with traditional cider, whilst capturing the essence of urban street culture for the discerning Gen Z drinkers. Our exclusive collection of Neon Ciders is nothing short of extraordinary - each crafted with an audacious blend of unconventional Asian infusions that will take your palate on an exhilarating journey. From tart peach to succulent pandan, our daring concoctions bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary tastes, defying all expectations. NEON CIDER螢果釀 班蘭森林蘋果西打 Neon Pandan Cider transcends Southeast Asia, with rich tropical flavour, that’ll make you believe you’re back at your last beach holiday! Tastes as colorful as our label by artist WAIS. 由 WAIS 所設計,Pandan Cider 帶你穿越叢林,用熱帶水果氣息及豐富斑 蘭風味來迎接陽光與海灘! 第九届亚洲国际精酿啤酒会议暨展览会(CBCE 2024)将于 2024年 4月 25至 27日在上海新国际博览中心举办。 展会面积将扩充至 20000m², 分为 W1&W2 两馆。 CBCE 2024的规模将会是 历届之最 ,助力企业提升品牌和产品的知名度和曝光度,这是企业建立客户对品牌认可度和信任度的绝佳机会! 2024年4月25-27日 上海新国际博览中心 CBCE 2024期待与你相见! — END — CBCE 2025展位预定点击下方链接
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