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CBCE 2024展商推介 | 华喜酒业(北京)有限公司

CBCE 2024展商推介 | 华喜酒业(北京)有限公司

04-26 12:37:31 20

点击上方图片即可进入观众登记通道 展位号: W2E15 展会时间:2024年4月25-27日 展会地点:上海新国际博览中心 W1&W2 华喜酒业(北京)有限公司是国内专注进口啤酒的的企业,一直致力于把优质的服务带给供应商和国内客户,经过长时间的发展,不仅赢得了供应商的信赖,更是取得了国内经销商的一致认可。 公司位于首都北京,经销渠道在北、上、广、深等一线城市以及国内其他重要的城市。旗下代理美国精酿啤酒品牌迷失海岸Lost Coast、打嗝海狸Belching Beaver、安克雷奇Anchorage,雪茄城Cigar City,伯灵顿BurlingTon奥斯卡蓝调Oskar Blues,乔力南瓜Jolly Pumpkin,普莱瑞Prairie Artisan Ales,长岛计划LIC,新西兰啤酒品牌比萌巨兽Behemoth,车库计划Garage Project,比利时啤酒品牌农舍花园Farmstead Garden等。 华喜公司将根据市场需求,不断优化和推广品牌形象,坚持“诚信、尊重、创新”的企业价值观,把自己做好,把世界上受欢迎的酒带给我们的客户。 Huaxi Brewing(Beijing)Co.,LTD  is a leading premium beer importer and distributor who specializes in high quality beers in China. Our company is the international beers’evangelist. Not only engaged in the sales and marketing of premium beers, but also introduce beer culture to Chinese beer lovers. Huaxi  is located in the capital, Beijing. The beers from USA  Lost Coast, Anchorage,Cigar City, BurlingTon,Oskar Blues, Jolly Pumpkin, North Peak ,Prairie Artisan Ales, LIC as well as New Zealand beers Deep Creek,Garage Project and Belgium beers Farmstead Garden are among the most popular beers we distribute.Distribution system covers entire most developed cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and other capital cities in major developed provinces.Huaxi Committed to timely, reliable customer service and providing the best quality beers possible in China. We bring the imported beer industry In China to a whole new level. 明星产品 01 迷失海岸迷雾快艇双倍IPA啤酒 系好安全带,带你进入一个狂野的旅程。迷雾快艇是一款真正的优秀的DIPA 风格啤酒,苦度达到了80IBU, 完美结合了麦芽的风味和香气。这款IPA完美结合了 Cascade, Centennial, Crystal, Chinook &Citra带来的浓郁松针和柑橘香气 ,绝对是你IPA口粮的不二之选。 True hop lovers, get ready for a great ride. Experience our Fogcutter Double IPA with 80 IBUs. The bitterness is in perfect balance with malt flavors and aroma. Enjoy the bright aromatic citrus nose from extra dry-hopping with Cascade, Centennial, Crystal, Chinook &Citra hops. Cut the fog, rock on. 02 打嗝海狸花生酱世涛啤酒 将花生酱的味道与我们的牛奶世涛相结合的想法,他成功了。别被它的深色所迷惑,这款啤酒非常容易入口散发着烤花生、黑巧克力和咖啡的香气。祝您愉快,我的朋友,欢迎加入海狸大家庭! Combining the taste of peanut butter with our milk Stout, he succeeded. Don't be fooled by its dark color, this beer is easy to taste with aromas of roasted peanuts, dark chocolate and coffee. Have a nice day, my friend, and welcome to the beaver family! 03 伯灵顿猩球崛起浑浊IPA啤酒 这是一款四倍干投四倍浑IPA,泡泡糖、粉红星光软糖柑橘的味道充满你的口腔!! This is a QDH Quad IPA, bubblegum, pink Starlight gummy citrus flavor fills your mouth!!! 第九届亚洲国际精酿啤酒会议暨展览会(CBCE 2024)将于 2024年 4月 25至 27日在上海新国际博览中心举办。 展会面积将扩充至 20000m², 分为 W1&W2 两馆。 CBCE 2024的规模将会是 历届之最 ,助力企业提升品牌和产品的知名度和曝光度,这是企业建立客户对品牌认可度和信任度的绝佳机会! 2024年4月25-27日 上海新国际博览中心 CBCE 2024期待与你相见! — END — CBCE 2025展位预定点击下方链接报名
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