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CBCE 2024展商推介 | 爱乐喝精酿

CBCE 2024展商推介 | 爱乐喝精酿

04-26 12:34:44 21

点击上方图片即可进入观众登记通道 展位号: W2E17 展会时间:2024年4月25-27日 展会地点:上海新国际博览中心 W1&W2 ALOHA26 爱乐喝精酿 创立于2022年,来自中国广西南 宁。作为中国新一代的精酿啤酒品牌,我们的愿景是做行业里大家心中最有趣的公司,以“让每个人都能享受精酿文化给生活带来的乐趣”为使命;以“爱-乐-优-鲜”为品牌宗旨。致力于为所有精酿啤酒爱好者提供精心酿造和口感丰富及具有特色的国产精酿啤酒。 ALOHA26 爱乐喝精酿 拥有1700立方米的车间和预计年产量达1000吨的生产能力。团队通过规范化运营和管理,用高水平的大师酿造技术、高标准的生产设备和甄选优质的进口原材料,生产出口感丰富、味道惊艳、品类多样的新鲜精酿啤酒;持续供应旗下自有品牌餐厅、酒吧、打酒站,同时为其他客户提供我们的产品及服务。我们希望让每个人都能体验ALOHA26带来的无尽快乐、活力、热情和舒适,它是成年人的“快乐之水”! ALOHA26 Craft Beer was founded in 2022, hailing from Nanning, Guangxi, China. As a new generation craft beer brand in China, our vision is to be the most interesting company in the industry, with the mission of "bringing the joy of craft beer culture to everyone's life." Our brand philosophy is "Love-Joy-Excellence-Freshness." We are committed to providing meticulously crafted, rich-tasting, and distinctive domestic craft beers for all craft beer enthusiasts. ALOHA26 Craft Beer has a workshop spanning 1700 cubic meters and a projected annual production capacity of 1000 tons. Through standardized operations and management, our team uses high-level master brewing techniques, high-standard production equipment, and carefully selected high-quality imported raw materials to produce fresh craft beers that are rich in flavor, surprising in taste, and diverse in variety. We continuously supply our own brand restaurants, bars, and tasting stations while also providing our products and services to other customers. We hope to bring endless joy, vitality, passion, and comfort to everyone through ALOHA26—it is the "water of happiness" for adults! 明星产品 01 声声浪潮·小麦博克啤酒 Weizenbock 酒精度(ABV)≥4.5%vol 原麦汁浓度14.0°P 苦度18IBU 这是一款加强的德式小麦啤酒,丰富浓郁、层次分明的麦芽芳香,让人在饮用过程中,还能品尝出香蕉、糖果等香甜的气息,绵密的泡沫,醇厚的酒体,使它拥有奶油般的口感。 l  2023BBC布鲁塞尔国家啤酒挑战赛【银奖】 l  2023CBC中国国际啤酒挑战赛 【二星天禄奖】 This is a German style Weizenbock with high alcohol content. Its hierarchical malt aroma can make people taste the sweet flavor of bananas, candy, and the dense foam and mellow beer make it have a creamy taste. l  2023 BRUSSELS BEER CHALLENGE【Silver Award】 l  2023 CHINA INTERNATIONAL BEER CHALLENGE【Two-Star Tianlu award】 02 酒花风暴·风味拉格啤酒 Lager 酒精度(ABV)≥4.1%vol 原麦汁浓度12.0°P 苦度13IBU 这是一款风格和特点十分突出的拉格,我们在酿造时干投大量美国进口酒花,酒花香味在酿造过程中得以彻底释放,大量酒花给啤酒带来热带水果的清香,同时与麦芽风味结合,赋予了啤酒一丝类似荔枝,葡萄柚的香气,搭配轻盈干爽的酒体,易饮性极佳,入口清爽,回味甘醇,是畅饮干杯首选酒款,适合对啤酒香气有一定追求的人。 l  2023CBC中国国际啤酒挑战赛 【三星天禄奖】 l  2023中国传统发酵食品创新大赛【银奖】 The Lager with very prominent style and feature. When brewing, we dry hopping a large amount of imported hops from America, and the aroma of hops is completely released during the brewing process. The large amount of hops bring the craft beer a tropical fruit fragrance, while combining with malt flavor, giving the Lager a hint of lychee and grapefruit aroma. Paired with a light and tasty beer, it is extremely easy to drink, refreshing in the mouth, and sweet in the aftertaste. It is the first choice for drinking, Suitable for people who have a certain pursuit of beer aroma. l  2023 CHINA INTERNATIONAL BEER CHALLENGE【Three-Star Tianlu award】 l  2023 CHINESE TRADITIONAL FERMENTED FOODS INNOVATION COMPETITION【Silver Award】 03 踏浪勇者·社交金色IPA啤酒 West Coast IPA 酒精度(ABV)≥4.5%vol 原麦汁浓度13.5°P 苦度20IBU 这是一款西海岸风格的IPA,干投大量美式啤酒花,带来丰富的柑橘、菠萝等热带水果的芳香。酒体呈现漂亮的金色,麦芽的香味和酒花的清爽结合得十分出彩。浑浊的酒体则保留了酵母和蛋白质,口感醇厚留香。 l  2023CBC中国国际啤酒挑战赛 【一星天禄奖】 l  2023中国传统发酵食品创新大赛【金奖】 This is a West Coast style IPA. We dry hopping a large amount of American hops, its bringing a rich aroma of tropical fruits such as citrus and pineapple. The beer presents a beautiful gold, with a brilliant combination of malt aroma and hops freshness. The turbid body of the beer retains yeast and protein, and the taste is rich and fragrant. l  2023 CHINA INTERNATIONAL BEER CHALLENGE【One-Star Tianlu Award】 l  2023 CHINESE TRADITIONAL FERMENTED FOODS INNOVATION COMPETITION【Gold Award】 04 风吹麦浪·比利时小麦啤酒 Belgian Witbier 酒精度≥3.7%vol 原麦汁浓度11.0°P 苦度10IBU 这款精酿拥有独特的丁香风味,搭配芫荽籽及橙皮酿造,使其果香馥郁、香气沁人。偏低的酒精度和绵柔的口感,使它成为精酿啤酒的入门酒款。 l  2023中国传统发酵食品创新大赛【银奖】 The Belgian Witbier has a unique clove flavor, paired with coriander seeds and orange peel to create a fruity and refreshing aroma. The low alcohol content and soft taste make it an entry-level craft beer. l  2023 CHINESE TRADITIONAL FERMENTED FOODS INNOVATION COMPETITION【Silver Award】 05 浮光跃金·琥珀拉格啤酒 Amber Lager 酒精度(ABV)≥4.1 原麦汁浓度12.0°P 苦度12IBU 这款酒使用多种特种麦芽发酵,独特香醇的焦糖咖啡风味与内敛的酒花香气得到很好平衡。酒体晶莹通透,宛若流动的琥珀,闪耀着宝石般的光泽。入口清爽顺滑,一饮而尽,浓郁麦香与焦糖浓香,酒花香、果香、玫瑰花香,宛如绚烂的烟火在口腔充盈绽放。 l  2023CCBA中国精酿啤酒大奖【铜奖】 The Amber Lager is fermented with burnt malt, and the unique and mellow caramel coffee flavor is well balanced with the restrained hops aroma. The beer is crystal clear, like flowing amber, shining with a gem like luster. The flavour is refreshing and smooth, chuging! It has a strong aroma of wheat and caramel, as well as floral, fruity, and rose aromas. It is like a gorgeous fireworks blooming in your mouth. l 2023 CHINA CRAFT BEER AWARDS【Bronze Award】 第九届亚洲国际精酿啤酒会议暨展览会(CBCE 2024)将于 2024年 4月 25至 27日在上海新国际博览中心举办。 展会面积将扩充至 20000m², 分为 W1&W2 两馆。 CBCE 2024的规模将会是 历届之最 ,助力企业提升品牌和产品的知名度和曝光度,这是企业建立客户对品牌认可度和信任度的绝佳机会! 2024年4月25-27日 上海新国际博览中心 CBCE 2024期待与你相见! — END — CBCE 2025展位预定点击下方链接
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